“Eyes and Lenses” is an annual, 4-day ethnographic films review, organized by the Witold Dynowski Ethnographic Workshop Association (Stowarzyszenie Pracownia Etnograficzna). During the review, films of Polish and foreign artists are shown - both novelties and classical works, which the wider audience couldn’t get to know until now.
When arranging the program of the festival, we announce a wide call for films, but we also cooperate with leading, world centers of visual anthropology and the most important ethnographic films festivals. In more than a decade of “Eyes and Lenses”, we have worked, among others, with the Royal Anthropological Institute, Granada Center for Visual Anthropology or the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Films from the Eyes and Lenses collection were also shown among others during the Mandragon Festival and in the Museum of Folk Culture of Pomerania. For 4 years, the Silesian Edition of Eyes and Lenses has been regularly held in Katowice. Each year projections are accompanied by numerous additional events - meetings with artists, discussion panels, concerts.