“This Jungo Life” takes us deep inside the hidden lives of young refugees and asylum seekers from Sudan and South Sudan, living and sleeping rough on the streets of Morocco; forced to flee violence and instability in Libya, and unable to return home due to ongoing war and conflict. Produced in collaboration with the refugees themselves, and filmed entirely using mobile phones, this film offers unique and intimate access, providing a raw and unfiltered glimpse into the human spirit and innate drive for survival, as they fight for a better life for themselves and the families they left behind.
David Fedele
An award-winning independent documentary filmmaker, particularly interested in exploring cultural, humanitarian, environmental and social justice issues around the world. His films have explored themes related to refugees, asylum seekers and migration in North and West Africa, electronic waste (e-waste) in Ghana, and illegal logging in Papua New Guinea, and have been screened widely around the world, including at the European Parliament in Brussels (Belgium), winning numerous awards. David was selected to participate at Berlinale Talents as part of Berlin International Film Festival (2014). He was also a jury member at the Cinema Planeta International Environmental Film Festival (2014) in Mexico, and president of the jury at the SREM International Environmental Film Festival (2015) in Serbia.