Author: abinka

  • Looking For Challan

    Looking For Challan
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    This film is a journey of our return. I first visited the Cholanaikkan community in 1984, and almost 35 years later, I find myself here again, treading the same roads, savoring the warmth and beauty of nature, as we enter the Nilambur forest. It was here that I met our young friend Challan. And I…

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  • Through Hands of Mine

    Through Hands of Mine
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    Ruku mojeju observes the material practices in a convent of fifteen nuns – mostly young women, one of them blind – on a small island in Skadar Lake, between Montenegro and Albania. In the rhythm of work and prayer, set in the endlessly undulating movements of nature, the film revolves around the sensorial experiences of…

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  • Building Spaces. A Sensory Ethnography

    Building Spaces. A Sensory Ethnography
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    What does research feel like? How does the place where knowledge is created shape the knowledge itself? And what knowledge remains neglected because we cannot transform them into written words? Building Spaces follows four social scientists through their academic lives, making spaces and practices visible, tangible, and audible that have remained unnoticed until now. Creating…

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  • Flotacija

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    In Eastern Serbia, in a town with a dual identity divided between magic and industry, a family whose destiny is intrinsically linked with both does their best to ensure the survival of their traditions and their future generations. Lifelong miner Dragan Marković is the last in a line of dragon hunters, while his sister Desa…

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  • I had a life

    I had a life
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    After living on the streets for a decade, Jesús begins his social reintegration in a housing and employment reincorporation centre. The years go by and the lack of full freedom pushes him to leave the programme and seek his own autonomy. Without the possibility of a job and a stable home, the threat of returning…

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  • Valley of Music: Otavalo indigenous musicians on transnational paths

    Valley of Music: Otavalo indigenous musicians on transnational paths
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    Throughout five parts, each of them focusing on one musician or one band of musicians, the film shows diverse musical practices of indigenous musicians from the region of Otavalo, in the Ecuadorian Andes (such as performances in local festivities and on festival stages, recording practices, performances of different genres from different places). It emphasises the…

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  • Felt: Unveiling an Endangered Craft

    Felt: Unveiling an Endangered Craft
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    This film is an effort to demonstrate and appreciate the endangered craft of felt-making through the traditional practices and living memories of the few remaining felt-makers in Sinjar and Kifri in the Kurdistan Region. The documentary is part of a research project with The Endangered Material Knowledge Programme entitled ‘The Lost Practices of Kurdish Felt…

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  • Magic of Podlasie – Whisperers

    Magic of Podlasie – Whisperers
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    A story about szeptuchy and szeptuni (whisperers), practitioners of folk medicine who carry on the tradition of healing incantations passed down through generations in Podlasie region. It’s a tale of folk ilnesses, healing, magic, and witchcraft, but most of all, of human desires and expectations. In the film, we ask questions that experts, anthropologists, ethnographers,…

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  • Dead water

    Dead water
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    This concise documentary amplifies the voices of the residents of Cuninico, a Kukama Kukamiria Native Community situated along the Marañón River in Loreto, Peru. In 2014, the community endured one of Peru’s most significant environmental catastrophes when over 3,000 barrels of oil leaked into the Cuninico River due to corrosion of the Norperuvian Pipeline. Since…

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  • Minding Sand

    Minding Sand
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    The film Minding Sand follows the sand mining industry on the beaches of SierraLeone and the struggles associated with managing resource extraction. It aims toshow the complex ties and entanglements involved in both the making and unmakingof beaches, reminding us how ecological and social concerns are inextricablyinterwoven. Laura van Erp Laura van Erp is a…

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